Saturday, May 1, 2010

Development in ideas...

Narrative :
has been developed in studio discussion and needed to be more specific with the spatial characteristic in brief. So it has been changed like this...
"The warmth of the morning sunlight creates expectation for a woman waiting for her lover at their secret location."

Interpretation :
Woman is waiting her lover in their secretly hidden meeting spot. The space traped by the site confines her as well and does not allow her to go out to find him. So she has to wait and wait...She stares out the window to see his coming. Her expectation grows bigger while watching his way to the room.

Model :
Two contrast concepts will be focused on the model. To show enclosed space contrast to the opened outside & cold feelings of inside space and how the warmth of sunlight could create different mood for the room.
Related to the narrative, model will have bed room for two lovers with widely opened entrance to greet her partner. It will be located partly into the slope of the hills to emphasize the trapped situation for woman and will keep the privacy for them. Window will represent her big eye that can search him and it brings the morning sunlight into the room which changes the mood by its warmth for the cold concrete room. Pathway down to the entrance would be more like tunnel and will be created complicatedly to increase tension. It is long, dark and narrow way to the room and its difficulty and taking long time would increase expection for both couples before meeting each other. However, the light still works positively in this space as well to lead the way out from this dark space.

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