Monday, March 30, 2009

Details and texture of 3D Model

This is Hall's workshop with her work 'understorey' in it.

Original sketch of texture 'organic' has been used on the floor.

This is Gascoigne's workshop with her work ' sweet lovers' in it.

Original sketch of texture 'movement' has been used on the below ground terrace.

Exhibition place (gallery)
Original sketch of texture 'hot' has been used on the gallery's wall.

developed 3D Model

Developed 3D Model

Front View

Top View

Side view
Bird eye view Exhibition place has been added to the model. It has the curved and different forms because it is focusing on the harmony between above and below structure so I have compounded features of two places to create the gallery. Stairs has been reorganized in proper place to lead down to the studio from the gallery. Scale also has been changed to consider the size of buiding and people. My original texture has been placed as well on the floor of Hall's studio, gallery's wall and terrace on the below ground.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Musical stairs / from YOUTUBE

I found this interesting video of the Musical
stairs in Youtube. It is place in Sony building
in Ginza, Tokyo and this stairs works as part
of the entertainment for the building.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

3D Model with Stairs

Original sketch of second 3D Model

Word for above is 'wholesome' (Hall)
below is 'intimacy' (Gascoigne)

Front view -a whole figure, without details.

Bird eye view -

1. Stairs that goes down to the exhibition space from hall's workshop. Wood and glass has been used as a material and it is attached to the ceiling and the floor. The shape of this stairs conveys the concept of the building and has the similar appearance. Curved form has been cutted on one side to attach it on the straight structure like pole.

- Section drawing

2. This is the stairs that goes up to the exhibition space from the below ground where the Gascoignes's studio is placed. Wood and steel with the rusted colour has been used to create this stairs and it was inspired by the Gascoigne's choice of the material for her work. Different size of the steps revives the artist work 'sweet lovers'.

Placed in the building.
- Section drawing

For development ;
- Create more like 3D work rather than expanding the 2D drawing.
- Consider the scale between building, stairs and people.

Monday, March 23, 2009

a work of art from 2 clients (material)

Sweet lovers by Rosalie Gascoigne -
Soft drink crates made out of wood and retro-reflective road signs.
Artist considered to use the material that is open to the weather in
her work so she was encouraged to use yellow and orange retro-
reflective road signs which reflects the light. Gascoigne rearranged
the cut off letters from this materials to stimulate the poetry and
crosswords that she was interested in.

Understorey by Fiona Hall -
Glass beads, silver wire, rubber, boar’s teeth has been used as materials to create the form. Hall has threaded glass beads onto the silver wire to represent the elements of plant and human through the three dimensional creative work. Camouflage patterning has been applied to the work to express conflict between nature and threaten to the territory.


Saturday, March 21, 2009


2 section for each stairs
(left) designed for the 1st 3D model, that goes up to the gallery from the below studio.
(right) designed for the 2nd model that goes down to the gallery from the above studio.

(right) 1st 3D model. From above to down.
(left) 2nd 3D model. From down to above.

Stairs from the Lecture

Experimenting & practicing -

Section of the stairs that I especially
found interesting from the lecture.
Block of wood stairs are displayed
inside and outside of the wall. Material
offers the comforts and border made
by wall creates the interesting mirror
effect view.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


3D Model

Front view

Bird eye view

This was my first experiment of the 3D model by sketch up google. 'Intimacy' has been partly expressed through the intersected curved roof and organic shape. Concrete and glass has been used to form above structure. Above and below has been divided by the squre shape in the middle of the construction. The use of glass for below part conveys the idea of 'reveal'. I found it difficult to deal with the proportion of curves for roof and maintaing the size of it.

The original Sketch

above : intimacy
below : reveal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Second attempt ;

Inside part has been added to divide the space and emphasize the organic forms. I have change the material for the front part of the above structure. Instead of using glass, I have substitued to the wood fence wall which continues the idea of expressing ' intimacy ' by linking and intersecting the lines. It is also related to the Gascoigne's idea of using found materials like wood. Moreover side part of the below strucuture has been transformed slightly to look more like the original sketch and ' reveal ' has been stressed by the use of the glass for inside wall as well as outside.

Monday, March 16, 2009

18 sketches





above and below

Monday, March 9, 2009

Describe ...

Rosalie Gascoigne 'sweet lovers' ;
intimacy / methodise / cozy
Tracey Moffat 'fourth' ;
effort / fulfill / peaceful

Fiona Hall 'understorey' ;

process / reveal / wholesome

Church of the light

Chuch of the light (1989) by Tadao Ando.
I have chosen this architecture as an image of
a great piece of architecture. I believe this architecture
is unique in a way that it is not only the structure that
has strong impact of the use of natural light but also it
brought nature as a part of the work to complete the
whole architecture. Tadao Ando has been attempted to
harmonize the nature and the architecture for many
times and this church is one of the most outstanding
among them due to the relevance between the light
and the function of the church. Light through the empty
space emphasize the holiness.

creative work : MODEL

This is a 3D Model of imaginary space which i have made
in last foundation year. My concept was to express the
movement and rhythm. It ended up conveying repetition
as well which i did not expected. Through this project, I
learnt the intimate relationship between the design
concepts. I used formcore and wood for the work and this
two different materials were able to harmonize because
of the appropriate arrangement of the trees and use of space.