Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Project 2 : Room and Narrative

Edward Hopper Morning in a city 1944 oil painting

about the painting...

"Hopper's painting also address the issue of perception. They include the viewer's eye, despite the fact that the figures appear entirely self-absorbed and unconscious of being observed. Hopper suggests that the figures we see do not realize they are seen.At the same time, they perceive things that remain hidden to us, beyond our field of view."
"Apparently awakened by the sun, they gaze musingly out the window as if wondering whether this might be the first day in a new life. Hopper's women are vurnerable, marked by dissapointment, in need of protection. Yet they still seem to harbor hopes and expectations."

phenomenal qualities: some key words...

delicate ideality confusion determination hesitation preparation
isolated enclosed unfamiliar awkard warmth depature conceal
absent independant antiquate contrast

Schmied, Wieland Edward Hopper portraits of America (Prestel, Munich) 1995 pg74

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