Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Mr. Obama,Prada and Madonna achieved a great thing for himself, and for his country.We have reached a great changing point in a new era in a country. Many challenges we face are so bold, so powerful, so aggressive and should consistently pursued a very particular and unusual aesthetic. With pride for inspiration it must-have covetable style and consider important issue to crystallize my views. Her creations lead us through to be on freedom of expression which can not be achieved obviously. In truth, preoccupation supported me way to do something in depth to work as the most remarkable and fairly ambitious which explore answers to questions of purpose in learning. Her passionambitious projects join effort to find ways to come together and try to go against something. Trying to be innovative in a way that is not obvious captivated sense of humor and transformed glimmer that stands by itself. The choices I made for myself may create visionary afflict with self-doubt but assertive experimental explore and consider the different contradiction in excitement of the creativity.


Barak Obama
Obama Wins Election; McCain Loses as Bush Legacy Is Rejected by Adam Nagourney. Published in November 4, 2008.
http://www.nytimes.com/2008/11/05/us/politics/05campaign.html?scp=59&sq=obama&st=cse (accessed in 11, May,2009)

Miuccia Prada
Miuccia Prada interview: Fondazione Prada, Milan by Alastair Sooke. Published in 05 May 2009 http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/art/5277507/Miuccia-Prada-interview-Fondazione-Prada-Milan.html (accessed in 11, May,2009)

Defining Me, Myself and Madonna by Stephanie Rosenbloom. Published in November 13, 2005
http://www.nytimes.com/2005/11/13/fashion/sundaystyles/13MADONNA.html (accessed in 11, May,2009)

DRAFT 1 - pathways

Original sketch based on -UT

ONE point perspective drawing

6 above perspective drawings/
6 eye level perspective drawings/
6 below perspective drawings/


Force. Independent. Potential. Authority. State. Command. Capacity. Dictation. Order. Control. Freedom. Intensity. Quality. Assurance. Passion. Property. Passion. Competence.

Friday, May 1, 2009


Original sketches of

Lab for Alfred Nobel

Lab for Jacques-Yves Cousteau

Two clients meeting point

Final map

Blue light applied in Alfred Nobel's lab demonstrates the calmness which relates to the idea of comfort. Red light in the lab for Jacques-Yves Cousteau expresses the amazement because of the contrast between the dark place and also, with the whole colour of the ramp. Purple is the colour mixed with the red and blue and it has been applied as a light in the meeting point which is place for clients to 'mix' their ideas. Light inside and around the ramps works as guide to the labs.

image 1

image 2


"The happiness of the bee is to work for home, dolphin is to wonder at everywhere and I man exist to work and to know where it is."

Inside Jacques-Yves Cousteau 's lab

Original texture ; DARK

Most dark texture has been applied in the darkest place among this map and this ordered pattern symbolize the duty for living things.

Inside the meeting point

Original texture; MEDIUM

Meeting point has both dark and ligt spaces which obviously leads to apply medium texure.Organic pattern symbolize the flows of two clients' ideas.
Lab for Alfred Nobel

Original texture; LIGHT
Light texture has been applied in Alfred Nobel's lab which has open space and lots of light. Neat lined pattern symbolize clear thought of clients.

36 custom textures

Light to dark

Lecture 7

This image gave me a great impression and provided certain inspiration in work for experiment 2 as well. It uses strong geometrical shapes as the main structure. Even though this geometrical lines are varied in different sizes, it harmonize well and repetition of lines brings all the work together. According to the text, this image of the building uses shadow as threshold. This inspired me to use effect of the light as part of the map. Moreover, the exclusion of colours emphasizes the effect of the shadow.

Electroliquid Aggregation

Alfred Nobel
"Home is where I work and I work everywhere

Jacques-Yves Cousteau
"The happiness of the bee and the dolphin is to exist. For man it is to know that and to wonder at it

Aggregation :

"The happiness of the bee is to work for home, dolphin is to wonder at everywhere and I man exist to work and to know where it is."


Original sketch of Alfred Nobel's Lab.

this is the view of Alfred Nobel's lab from the meeting point which has been added to the last week's draft. Shadow has been applied to the draft model .

Original sketch of Jacques-Yves Cousteau's lab.

This is view of meeting point and part of revealed Jacques-Yves Cousteau's lab

Original sketch of meeting point.

Meeting point has been placed partly in the vertical surface and also at outside. Space inside the wall has considered the inspiration from Alfred Nobel's quote which was having private space and outside part relates to the idea from Jacques-Yves Cousteau's quote of having amazement during work.

9 parallel projections

This sketches has explored the interconnection between pairs of drawings from first week.
It has combined the two ideas from Alfred Nobel's quote and Jacques-Yves Cousteau qoute which has resulted the meeting point for both clients.

this sketches are same set of 9 parallel projections from the opposite angle